Columns Assertion

An assertion of type columns allows you to verify schema properties, like specific types of columns or presence/absence of individual columns.


kind: columns
description: "Verify correctness of column names and types"
mapping: facts_all
 - "network IS PRESENT"
 - "xyz IS ABSENT"
 - "campaign IS OF TYPE (int,BIGINT)"
 - "lineitem IS OF TYPE float"

A more complete example (with the required top level entities) could look as follows:

    kind: verify
        kind: columns
        description: "Verify correctness of column names and types"
        mapping: facts_all
          - network IS PRESENT
          - xyz IS ABSENT
          - campaign IS OF TYPE (int,BIGINT)
          - lineitem IS OF TYPE float

Another example using the assertion inside a test:

        kind: columns
        description: "Assert correctness of column names and types"
        mapping: cube_pricing
          - campaign IS OF TYPE (int,long)
          - lineitem IS OF TYPE string
          - imps IS OF TYPE long
          - price IS OF TYPE float 


  • kind (mandatory) (type: string): columns

  • description (optional) (type: string): A textual description of the assertion

  • mapping (optional) (type: srting): The name of the mapping which is to be tested.

  • expected (optional) (type: list:srting): A list of column schema expressions.

Column Schema Expressions

In order to verify type properties of columns, Flowman provides a small expression language. Currently the following four expressions a supported:

  • <column_name> IS PRESENT: Verifies that a column called column_name is present in the schema. The check is case insensitive.

  • <column_name> IS ABSENT: Verifies that a column called column_name is not present in the schema. The check is case insensitive.

  • <column_name> IS OF TYPE <typename>: Verifies that a column called column_name is present in the schema and that it is of type typename. All Spark SQL types are allowed.

  • <column_name> IS OF TYPE (<typename_1>, <typename_2>, ...): Verifies that a column called column_name is present in the schema and that it is of one of the types typename_1, typename_2, …. All Spark SQL types are allowed.