Relation Dataset

The relation dataset refers to any named relation defined in Flowman. By specifying partition values, the data set can refer to a specific partition of the relation, otherwise it will refer to the full relation. This feature can be interesting for reading all partitions from a partitioned relation.


kind: relation
relation: sales
  landing_date: ${landing_date}

Since Flowman 0.18.0, you can also directly specify the relation inside the dataset definition. This saves you from having to create a separate relation definition in the relations section. This is only recommeneded, if you do not access the target relation otherwise, such that a shared definition would not provide any benefir.

kind: relation
  kind: hiveTable
  database: sales
  table: invoices
  landing_date: ${landing_date}


  • kind (mandatory) (type: string): relation

  • relation (mandatory) (type: string or relation): Name of the relation, or relation definition

  • partition (optional) (type: map): Map of partition names and their values