Execution Phases

As described in Lifecycles and Phases, Flowman uses so-called execution phases to coordinate the different actions of each build target like creating a target table, populating it with records etc.

Flowman offers some ways to influence this logic, which are described in detail on this page.

Range Execution

Flowmans primary command line application flowexec allows to execute a job for a range of parameter values. Imagine for example, that your job contained a parameter called processing_date, which would control what data would be transformed within each run in Flowman. This is typical for incremental transformation pipelines, which only pick up new data, and leave other data unchanged.

Example job

The following job will build two targets, invoices_daily and transaction_daily, which would only process data which belongs to the given processing_date.

      - name: processing_date
        type: date
        description: "Specifies the datetime in yyyy-MM-dd for which the result will be generated"
      - invoices_daily
      - transactions_daily
    kind: relation
    relation: invoices_daily
    mapping: invoices_daily
      day: $processing_date

    kind: relation
    relation: transactions_daily
    mapping: transactions_daily
      day: $processing_date

You can now execute this job via flowexec as

flowexec job daily verify processing_date=2022-11-10

This will run the corresponding lifecycle with the phases VALIDATE, CREATE, BUILD and VERIFY.

But what happens in the case of an incident where some days have not been processed correctly? Of course, you could simply restart flowexec with the corresponding parameters. But you can also instruct Flowman to run a whole date range with a single invocation:

flowexec job daily verify processing_date:start=2022-11-01 processing_date:end=2022-11-10

Skipping Phases

The command line above solves the problem of running the same job with multiple different parameters. But it will probably do too much work, which is not required. For each set of parameters, all phases until BUILD will be executed:

  • VALIDATE - perform any sanity checks
  • CREATE - create or migrate all target tables
  • BUILD - populate all target tables with meaningful data
  • VERIFY - verify the result Maybe that is just too much of work being done, especially you probably don’t want the CREATE phase to be executed over and over again for every date in the range of the parameter processing_date in the example above.

Luckily, Flowman allows you to specify when which phase is to be executed:

      - name: processing_date
        type: date
        description: "Specifies the datetime in yyyy-MM-dd for which the result will be generated"

      - invoices_daily
      - transactions_daily
      - customers_full
      - documentation

      # Never execute VALIDATE phase
      - phase: validate
        cycle: never
      # The CREATE phase should only be executed once at the beginning
      - phase: create
        cycle: first
        # You can also omit the targets, if you want to have all of them
        targets: .*
      # You are allowed to specify a single phase more than once
      - phase: build
        cycle: always
          # The following regular expressions matches all targets ending with "_daily"
          - .*_daily
      - phase: build
        cycle: last
          # The following regular expressions matches all targets ending with "_full"
          - .*_full
      # Documentation should only be generated for the last entry in the execution sequence
      - phase: verify
        cycle: last
        targets: documentation

The executions section now described, when each phase should be executed for the given parameter range and which targets should be executed. Each entry of the list has three attributes

  • phase (required) (type: string) - the execution phase to be configured. You can have multiple entries per phase, these will be logically merged during execution.
  • cycle (optional) (type: string) (default: always) - specifies when this block is active when cycling through a whole range of job parameters via command line. Possible values are:
    • always - this phase will be executed for all parameter instances
    • never - the corresponding phase will never be executed
    • first - only to be executed for the first parameter instance
    • last - only to be executed for the last parameter instance
  • targets (optional) (type: regex) (default: .*) - list of regular expressions to match build targets which should be executed in the given phase. Note that you still need to specify all targets in the jobs targets main list. This list in the executions sections acts as a filter on top of the jobs main target list. Defaults to .*, which simply selects all job targets for execution.

This means that the example above will eventually change the execution of the job as follows:

  • VALIDATE (not listed) - will never be executed
  • CREATE - will be executed only for the first date of processing_date, but again for all targets
  • BUILD - will be executed for every date of processing_date for all targets ending with “_full”. Moreover during the last execution, all targets ending with “_daily” will be processed in addition.
  • VERIFY - will be executed only for the last date of processing_date and only for the documentation target.

For example, if you start Flowman via

flowexec job daily verify processing_date:start=2022-11-01 processing_date:end=2022-11-05

then the whole execution plan will look as follows:

processing_date phase targets
2022-11-01 CREATE invoices_daily, transactions_daily, customers_full, documentation
2022-11-01 BUILD invoices_daily, transactions_daily
2022-11-02 BUILD invoices_daily, transactions_daily
2022-11-03 BUILD invoices_daily, transactions_daily
2022-11-04 BUILD invoices_daily, transactions_daily, customers_full, documentation
2022-11-04 VERIFY documentation