
Flowman uses the notion of mappings in order to specify the data flow and all data transformations. A mapping somewhat corresponds to a temporary view in the SQL world: You give a name to a mapping and specify its logic. Afterwards it is available for subsequent operations like SELECT. Like a temporary view, a mapping itself does not persist any data and is only valid within a single run of Flowman.

In contrast to a SQL view, there are different types of mappings, each performing different operations. Most mappings require other mappings as their input. The most notably exception is a read mapping, which reads data from a relation (and therefore doesn’t have another mapping as its input).

Mappings are instantiated lazily by Flowman, i.e. the temporary view is created just when it is needed for calculating the desired end result. For example when writing to a sink, Flowman automatically determines and recursively resolves all required upstream mappings to provide the final result to be written. You do not need to explicitly specify any execution order of mappings, Flowman takes care of this dependency management under the hood.

Mapping Syntax

Mappings are specified in the mappings section of a file. For example

    kind: relation
    relation: measurements-raw
        start: $start_year
        end: $end_year
      raw_data: String

    kind: select
    input: measurements-raw
      usaf: "SUBSTR(raw_data,5,6)"
      wban: "SUBSTR(raw_data,11,5)"
      date: "SUBSTR(raw_data,16,8)"
      time: "SUBSTR(raw_data,24,4)"
      wind_speed: "CAST(SUBSTR(raw_data,66,4) AS FLOAT)/10"
      wind_speed_qual: "SUBSTR(raw_data,70,1)"
      air_temperature: "CAST(SUBSTR(raw_data,88,5) AS FLOAT)/10"
      air_temperature_qual: "SUBSTR(raw_data,93,1)"

This specification defines two mappings: measurements-raw and measurements. Every mapping needs to specify its kind which provides the desired type of operation. In this example the first mapping measurements-raw of kind relation reads in input data from a relation called measurements-raw. The second mapping called measurements is of kind select and will perform an operation comparable to an SQL SELECT to extract new columns from its input mapping measurements-raw (which is just the first mapping).

There are some fields common to all mappings (like kind), but most other properties are specific to each kind.

Common Fields

The common fields available in all mappings are as follows:

  • kind (mandatory) (string): This determines the type of the mapping. Please see the list of all available kinds in the next section
  • broadcast (optional) (boolean) (default=false): This is a boolean flag providing a hint to the Spark execution optimizer. If set to true, Spark will broadcast the whole result of this mapping to all worker nodes for join operations. This may greatly speed up execution if the result is small. Typical use case are small tables which map a small amount of IDs to meaningful names.
  • cache (optional) (string) (default=NONE): This is another option to speed up computing. Caching will hold the result of the mapping in memory and/or on disk. This is helpful when there are more than one output which rely on this input mapping. Allowed values are
    • NONE - no caching will take place
    • MEMORY_ONLY - cache all data in memory
    • MEMORY_ONLY_SER - cache all data in memory in a serialized representation
    • MEMORY_AND_DISK - try to cache all data in memory, fall back to disk
    • DISK_ONLY - cache all data on disk