Checking Model Properties

In addition to provide pure descriptions of model entities, the documentation framework in Flowman also provides the ability to specify model properties (like unique values in a column, not null etc). These properties will not only be part of the documentation, they will also be verified as part of generating the documentation.


    kind: file
    format: parquet
    location: "$basedir/measurements/"
      - name: year
        type: integer
        granularity: 1
    # We prefer to use the inferred schema of the mapping that is written into the relation
      kind: mapping
      mapping: measurements_extracted

      description: "This model contains all individual measurements"
        - name: year
          description: "The year of the measurement, used for partitioning the data"
            # Check that the column does not contain NULL values
            - kind: notNull
        - name: usaf
            # Check for NOT NULL values, but exclude known defects
            - kind: notNull
              filter: "year >= 2000"
        - name: wban
            # Check for NOT NULL values, but exclude known defects
            - kind: notNull
              filter: "usaf NOT IN (SELECT usaf FROM known_defective_usaf)"
        - name: air_temperature_qual
            - kind: notNull
            # Check that the column only contains the specified values
            - kind: values
              values: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
        - name: air_temperature
            # Perform an arbitrary check on the column, you can also access other columns
            - kind: expression
              expression: "air_temperature >= -100 OR air_temperature_qual <> 1"
            - kind: expression
              expression: "air_temperature <= 100  OR air_temperature_qual <> 1"
      # Schema tests, which might involve multiple columns
        # Check that each usaf/wban combination is a foreign key refering to the "stations" relation          
        kind: foreignKey
        description: "The measurement has to refer to an existing station"
        relation: stations
          - usaf
          - wban
          - usaf
          - wban

  # Provide list of known defects to be excluded from some checks
    kind: values
      usaf: string
        - ["12345"]
        - ["87600"]

Column Checks

Flowman implements a couple of different check types on a per column basis.


One simple but yet important test is to check if a column does not contain any NULL values

  • kind (mandatory) (string): notNull
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.

Unique Values

Another important test is to check for unique values in a column. Note that this test will exclude NULL values, so in many cases you might want to specify both notNUll and unique.

  • kind (mandatory) (string): unique
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.

Foreign Key

A foreignKey column check is used to ensure that all not-NULL values refer to existing entries in a different mapping or relation

  • kind (mandatory) (string): foreignKey
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.
  • mapping (optional) (string): Name of mapping the foreign key refers to. You need to specify either the mapping or the relation property.
  • relation (optional) (string): Name of relation the foreign key refers to. You need to specify either the mapping or the relation property.
  • column (optional) (string): Name of the column in the referenced entity (either mapping or relation). If this property is not set, then the same column name will be assumed

Specific Values

In order to test if a column only contains specific values, you can use the values test. Note that this test will exclude records with NULL values in the column, so in many cases you might want to specify both notNUll and values.

  • kind (mandatory) (string): values
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • values (mandatory) (list:string): List of admissible values
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.

Range of Values

Especially when working with numerical data, you might also want to check their range. This can be implemented by using the range test. Note that this test will exclude records with NULL values in the column, so in many cases you might want to specify both notNUll and range.

  • kind (mandatory) (string): range
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • lower (mandatory) (string): Lower value (inclusive)
  • upper (mandatory) (string): Upper value (inclusive)
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.


When working with string data, you might also want to check their length. This can be implemented by using the length test. Note that this test will exclude records with NULL values in the column, so in many cases you might want to specify both notNUll and range.

  • kind (mandatory) (string): length
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • minimum (optional) (int): Minimum length (inclusive)
  • maximum (optional) (int): Maximum length (inclusive)
  • length (optional) (int): Exact length (will set minimum and maximum)
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.

SQL Expression

A very flexible test is provided with the SQL expression test. This test allows you to specify any simple SQL expression (which may also use different columns), which should evaluate to TRUE for all records passing the test.

  • kind (mandatory) (string): expression
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • expression (mandatory) (string): Boolean SQL Expression
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.

Schema Checks

In addition to checks for individual columns, Flowman also supports schema checks which may refer to multiple columns

Primary Key

A primaryKey column check is used to ensure that all not-NULL values refer to existing entries in a different mapping or relation

  • kind (mandatory) (string): primaryKey
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.
  • columns (optional) (list:string): Name of assumed primary key columns in the model

Foreign Key

A foreignKey column check is used to ensure that all not-NULL values refer to existing entries in a different mapping or relation

  • kind (mandatory) (string): foreignKey
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.
  • mapping (optional) (string): Name of mapping the foreign key refers to. You need to specify either the mapping or the relation property.
  • relation (optional) (string): Name of relation the foreign key refers to. You need to specify either the mapping or the relation property.
  • columns (optional) (list:string): Name of columns in the model
  • references (optional) (list:string): Name of columns in the referenced entity

SQL Expression

A very flexible test is provided with the SQL expression test. This test allows you to specify any simple SQL expression (which may also use different columns), which should evaluate to TRUE for all records passing the test.

  • kind (mandatory) (string): expression
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • expression (mandatory) (string): Boolean SQL Expression
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.

SQL Query

A very flexible test is provided with the SQL query test. This test allows you to specify an arbitrary SQL SELECT statement (which may also refer different mappings). The current entity is provided as __THIS__. The check actually supports two different variants of queries, which differ in the interpretation of the result

Grouped Query

The first type of supported SQL queries returns multiple records, each having two columns (with arbitrary name). The first column should be a boolean indicating if the test succeeded, while the second column should be an integer containing the number of records. The names of the columns are irrelevant.

Column Data Type Remark
1. BOOL EitherTRUE or FALSE indicating success or failure
2. LONG Number of records with TRUE or FALSE test result

Typically, a result set would contain two records, one with the first column TRUE and the second column holding the number of records which passed the test and the second record having FALSE in the first column and the number of failed records in the second column.

The following example will check for the number of duplicates of the column transaction_id

kind: sql
query: |
  WITH dups AS (
      COUNT(*) AS cnt
    FROM __this__ tx
    GROUP BY transaction_id
    cnt = 1,
  FROM dups

One-Record Query

The second type of supported SQL queries is required to return a single row that has to include one boolean column called success. The other columns are not interpreted by Flowman and only serve as informational columns.

The following query will compare the number of records in two mappings raw_transactions and processed_transactions. The check succeeds if the numbers match, otherwise it fails. The number of records of each mapping is provided as additional values which will be shown in the documentation.

kind: sql
query: |
    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM raw_transactions) AS original_tx_count,
    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM processed_transactions) AS final_tx_count,
    (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM raw_transactions) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM processed_transactions) AS success
  • kind (mandatory) (string): sql
  • description (optional) (string): An optional free text description to be shown in the documentation. This is a good place to provide the business meaning of the data quality check.
  • query (mandatory) (string): Boolean SQL Expression
  • filter (optional) (string): Optional SQL expression applied as a filter to select only a subset of all records for quality check. This is useful to exclude records with known quality issues.