Extend Mapping

The extend mapping will add new columns derived from the existing ones (or with constant values) to a mapping. All incoming columns will be kept. If a specified column name matches an existing incoming column name, then the column simply will be replaced with the new definition


    kind: extend
    input: facts
      placement_id: "CAST(placement AS INT)"
      lineitem_id: "CAST(SUBSTR(lineitem,5) AS INT)"


  • kind (mandatory) (type: string): extend

  • broadcast (optional) (type: boolean) (default: false): Hint for broadcasting the result of this mapping for map-side joins.

  • cache (optional) (type: string) (default: NONE): Cache mode for the results of this mapping. Supported values are

    • NONE - Disables caching of teh results of this mapping

    • DISK_ONLY - Caches the results on disk

    • MEMORY_ONLY - Caches the results in memory. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.

    • MEMORY_ONLY_SER - Caches the results in memory in a serialized format. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.

    • MEMORY_AND_DISK - Caches the results first in memory and then spills to disk.

    • MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER - Caches the results first in memory in a serialized format and then spills to disk.

  • input (mandatory) (type: string): Specifies the name of the input mapping.

  • columns (optional) (type: map:string): Specifies a map of new column names with an expression for calculating them.

  • filter (optional) (type: string) (default: empty): An optional SQL filter expression that is applied after the transformation itself.


  • main - the only output of the mapping


Essentially an extend mapping works like a simple SQL SELECT statement with all incoming columns select by * and additional named columns. For example the mapping above would be expressed in SQL as

    CAST(placement AS INT) AS placement_id,
    CAST(SUBSTR(lineitem,5) AS INT) AS lineitem_id
FROM facts