Recursive SQL Mapping

The recursiveSql mapping allows to execute recursive SQL transformation which contains Spark SQL code.


    kind: recursiveSql
    sql: "
             0 AS n,
             1 AS fact
        UNION ALL
             n+1 AS n,
             (n+1)*fact AS fact
        FROM __this__
        WHERE n < 6

Within the first step, __this__ is assigned an empty table. Then the SQL query is executed for the first time, which will provide the next value of the forthcoming iterations. In each iteration, the result of the previous iteration is assigned to __this__ and the query is executed again. Then the result is compared to the result of the previous iteration. If the results are the same, a fix point is reached and the execution stops. Otherwise, the iteration will continue.


  • kind (mandatory) (type: string): recursiveSql

  • broadcast (optional) (type: boolean) (default: false): Hint for broadcasting the result of this mapping for map-side joins.

  • cache (optional) (type: string) (default: NONE): Cache mode for the results of this mapping. Supported values are

    • NONE - Disables caching of teh results of this mapping

    • DISK_ONLY - Caches the results on disk

    • MEMORY_ONLY - Caches the results in memory. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.

    • MEMORY_ONLY_SER - Caches the results in memory in a serialized format. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.

    • MEMORY_AND_DISK - Caches the results first in memory and then spills to disk.

    • MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER - Caches the results first in memory in a serialized format and then spills to disk.

  • sql (optional) (type: string) (default: empty): The SQL statement to execute

  • file (optional) (type: string) (default: empty): The name of a file containing the SQL to execute.

  • uri (optional) (type: string) (default: empty): A url pointing to a resource containing the SQL to execute.

  • maxIterations (optional) (type: int) (default: 99): The maximum of iterations. The mapping will fail if the number of actual iterations required to find the fix point exceeds this number.


  • main - the only output of the mapping


The recursiveSql mapping allows to execute recursive SQL statements, which refer to themselves. The result of each step is made available as a temporary table __this__. Currently, the query has to be a UNION where the first part may not contain a reference to __this__. The first part of the UNION will be used to determine the schema of the result.

Flowman also supports iterativeSql mappings, which provide similar functionality.