Sort Mapping

The sort mapping simply sorts data by the specified columns and sort order. Note that downstream mappings may destroy the sort order again, so this should be the last operation before you save a result using an output operation.


    kind: sort
    input: stations
      - name: asc
      - date: desc


  • kind (mandatory) (string): select

  • broadcast (optional) (type: boolean) (default: false): Hint for broadcasting the result of this mapping for map-side joins.

  • cache (optional) (type: string) (default: NONE): Cache mode for the results of this mapping. Supported values are

    • NONE - Disables caching of teh results of this mapping

    • DISK_ONLY - Caches the results on disk

    • MEMORY_ONLY - Caches the results in memory. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.

    • MEMORY_ONLY_SER - Caches the results in memory in a serialized format. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.

    • MEMORY_AND_DISK - Caches the results first in memory and then spills to disk.

    • MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER - Caches the results first in memory in a serialized format and then spills to disk.

  • input (mandatory) (string):

  • columns (mandatory) (list:kv): Specifies the sort columns. The column names are specified as the key and the sort order as the values. asc and desc are supported for sort order.

  • filter (optional) (type: string) (default: empty): An optional SQL filter expression that is applied after the sort operation.


  • main - the only output of the mapping
