Project Commands

By using project commands with flowexec, you can perform operations on the project level. Most of these operations implicitly reference a main job, which must be defined within the project

verify|create|build|verify|truncate|destroy - Lifecycle Commands

The most important command group is for executing a specific lifecycle or an individual phase for the whole project.

flowexec project <verify|create|build|verify|truncate|destroy> <args>

This will execute the whole job by executing the desired lifecycle for the main job. The <args> parameter refers to the parameters as defined in the main job. For example the following job defines one parameter processing_date which needs to be specified on the command line.

    description: "Processes all outputs"
      - name: processing_date
        type: string
      - some_hive_table
      - some_files

Additional parameters can be specified before or after <args> and are as follows:

  • -h displays help
  • -f or --force force execution of all targets in the project, even if Flowman considers the targets to be clean.
  • -t or --targets explicitly specify targets to be executed. The targets can be specified as regular expressions.
  • -d or --dirty explicitly mark individual targets as being dirty, i.e. they need a rebuild. The targets can be specified as regular expressions. The difference between -d and -t is that while -t tells Flowman to only rebuild the specified targets if they are dirty, -d actually taints specific targets as being dirty, i.e. they need a rebuild. The difference between -f and -d is that -f marks all targets as being dirty, while you can explicitly select individual targets with -d.
  • -k or --keep-going proceed with execution, in case of errors.
  • -j <n> or --jobs <n> execute multiple jobs in parallel
  • --dry-run only simulate execution
  • -nl or --no-lifecycle only execute the specified lifecycle phase, without all preceding phases. For example the whole lifecycle for verify includes the phases create and build and these phases would be executed before verify. If this is not what you want, then use the option -nl


In order to build a project (i.e. run VALIDATE, CREATE and BUILD execution phases) stored in the subdirectory examples/weather which defines an (optional) parameter year, simply run

flowexec -f examples/weather project build year=2018

If you only want to execute the BUILD phase and skip the first two other phases, then you need to add the command line option -nl or --no-lifecycle to skip the lifecycle:

flowexec -f examples/weather project build year=2018 -nl

Executing Parameter Ranges

The following example will only execute the BUILD phase of the project, which defines a parameter processing_datetime with type datetime. The job will be executed for the whole date range from 2021-06-01 until 2021-08-10 with a step size of one day. Flowman will execute up to four jobs in parallel (-j 4).

flowexec project build processing_datetime:start=2021-06-01T00:00 processing_datetime:end=2021-08-10T00:00 processing_datetime:step=P1D --target parquet_lineitem --no-lifecycle -j 4

inspect - Retrieving General Information

The project inspect commands provides some general information, like a list of all jobs, targets, relations and mappings and environment variables.

flowexec -f examples/weather project inspect