JDBC Metric Sink

The jdbc metric sink is a very simple sink, which simply stores all collected metrics in a relational database. Actually it is highly recommended setting up a proper monitoring using Prometheus or other supported and established monitoring system instead of relying on a relational database.


  # Also add console metric sink (this is optional, but recommended)  
  - kind: console  
  # Now configure the Prometheus metric sink 
  - kind: jdbc
    # Specify labels on a commit level
      project: ${project.name}
      version: ${project.version}
      phase: ${phase}
      kind: jdbc
      driver: "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
      url: "jdbc:mysql://mysql-01.ffm.dimajix.net/dimajix_flowman"
      username: "flowman-metrics"
      password: "my-secret-password"


  • kind (mandatory) (string): prometheus
  • connection (mandatory) (string/connection): Either the name of a jdbc connection or a directly embedded JDBC connection (like in the example).
  • tablePrefix (optional) (string) (default: flowman_): Prefix of all table names created by Flowman get one entry (”commit”) per publication of metrics.


The following tables will be created by Flowman:

Commit table <table_prefix>_metric_commits

This table contains one entry per metric publication. Each execution phase of a job will result in one metric publication and therefore in one entry within this table.

Column Data Type Constraints Description
id LONG PRIMARY KEY Serial ID of commit
ts TIMESTAMP Timestamp of commit

Commit label table <table_prefix>_metric_commit_labels

The <table_prefix>_metric_commit_labels contains arbitrary labels attached to each commit.

Column Data Type Constraints Description
commit_id LONG FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES <table_prefix>_metric_commits(id) Serial ID of commit
name VARCHAR(64) Name of label
value VARCHAR(64) Value of label

Metric table <table_prefix>_metrics

The <table_prefix>_metrics contains the numerical metric values.

Column Data Type Constraints Description
id LONG PRIMARY KEY Serial ID of metric entry
commit_id LONG FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES <table_prefix>_metric_commits(id) Serial ID of commit
name VARCHAR(64) Name of metric
ts TIMESTAMP Timestamp when the metric was recorded
value DOUBLE Value of label

Metric label table <table_prefix>_metric_labels

The <table_prefix>_metric_labels contains arbitrary labels attached to each metric.

Column Data Type Constraints Description
metric_id LONG FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES <table_prefix>_metrics(id) Serial ID of metric
name VARCHAR(64) Name of label
value VARCHAR(64) Value of label

Example Queries

When you set up the JDBC metric sink as above (and thereby store the phase as one label), you can use the following query to retrieve all metrics of all targets:

    m.name AS metric_name,
    m.value AS metric_value,
    fmc.ts AS commit_ts,
    fmcl.value AS phase,
    fml2.value AS target_name
FROM flowman_metrics m
LEFT JOIN flowman_metric_commits fmc on m.commit_id = fmc.id
INNER JOIN flowman_metric_commit_labels fmcl on fmc.id = fmcl.commit_id
    AND fmcl.name = 'phase'
INNER JOIN flowman_metric_labels fml1 on m.id = fml1.metric_id
    AND fml1.name = 'category' AND fml1.value = 'target'
INNER JOIN flowman_metric_labels fml2 on m.id = fml2.metric_id
    AND fml2.name = 'name'

Or you can get an overview of all collected metrics with the following query:

    m.name AS metric_name,
    m.value AS metric_value,
    fmc.ts AS commit_ts,
    fmcl.value AS phase,
    fml1.value AS entity_category,
    fml2.value AS entity_name
FROM flowman_metrics m
LEFT JOIN flowman_metric_commits fmc on m.commit_id = fmc.id
INNER JOIN flowman_metric_commit_labels fmcl on fmc.id = fmcl.commit_id
    AND fmcl.name = 'phase'
INNER JOIN flowman_metric_labels fml1 on m.id = fml1.metric_id
    AND fml1.name = 'category'
INNER JOIN flowman_metric_labels fml2 on m.id = fml2.metric_id
    AND fml2.name = 'name'