Hive View Relations

The hiveView relation is used for managing Hive tables. Although you cannot write to a Hive view, the relation can still be useful for managing the lifecycle, i.e. for creating, migrating and destroying the Hive view. Flowman can automatically generate the SQL from other mappings.


You can either specify a mapping as the source of the Hive view. Flowman will then create an SQL which is equivalent to the logic contained in the mapping. This only works if all (direct and indirect) sources of the mapping also refer to Hive relations like views or tables. Also note that the process of transforming a data flow into an SQL is non trivial, and therefore not all kinds of operation sequences might be supported.

    kind: latest

    kind: hiveView
    database: banking
    view: transaction_latest
    mapping: transaction_latest

Embedded SQL

As a possibly convenient alternative to create a Hive view from a mapping, you can of course also directly specify an SQL. Note that in contrast to the SQL mapping, all table identifiers used in the SQL actually refer to Hive tables and not to Flowman mappings. The SQL will be passed as is to Hive, which means that you cannot reference any Flowman mappings in the SQL.

    kind: hiveView
    database: banking
    view: transaction_latest
    sql: "
      WITH tx AS (
          row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY transaction_id ORDER BY event_time) AS rank
        FROM transaction
      FROM tx
      WHERE rank = 1

External SQL

You can also specify the name of a external file containing the sql by using the file propery instead as follows:

    kind: hiveView
    database: banking
    view: transaction_latest
    file: "${project.basedir}/sql/transaction_latest.sql"

And then the file transaction_latest.sql has to contain the query:

WITH tx AS (
    row_number() OVER(PARTITION BY transaction_id ORDER BY event_time) AS rank
  FROM transaction
WHERE rank = 1


  • kind (mandatory) (string): hiveView
  • description (optional) (string) (default: empty): A description of the relation. This is purely for informational purpose.
  • database (optional) (string) (default: empty): Defines the Hive database where the view is defined. When no database is specified, the table is accessed without any specific qualification, meaning that the default database will be used.
  • view (mandatory) (string) (default: empty): Contains the name of the Hive view.
  • sql (optional) (string) (default: empty): Contains the SQL code of the Hive view. Cannot be used together with mapping or file.
  • file (optional) (string) (default: empty): Contains the name of a file containing SQL code of the Hive view. Cannot be used together with mapping or sql.
  • mapping (optional) (string) (default: empty): Specifies the name of a mapping, which should be translated into SQL and stored in the Hive view. Cannot be used together with sql or file.
  • migrationPolicy (optional) (string) (default: empty) Can be one of RELAXED or STRICT. If left empty, then the value of the Flowman configuration property flowman.default.relation.migrationPolicy will be used instead.
  • migrationStrategy (optional) (string) (default: empty) Can be one of ALTER, ALTER_REPLACE, REPLACE, NEVER or FAIL. If left empty, then the value of the Flowman configuration property flowman.default.relation.migrationStrategy will be used instead.

Automatic Migrations

Flowman supports automatic migrations of Hive views once the view definition changes. Then Flowman will simply recreate the Hive view with the new definition. Flowman also detects if the schema changes, which also requires a recreation of the view to update type information stored in the Hive meta store. If the config variable flowman.default.relation.migrationPolicy is set to STRICT, then the view will also be recreated when the column comments change.

Schema Conversion

The Hive view relation fully supports automatic schema conversion on read operations as described in the corresponding section of relations.

Output Modes

A Hive view cannot be written to at all, therefore no output mode is supported.