Lesson 5 — Multiple Build Targets#

Many projects require that multiple related data sinks need to be updated with new data. In Flowman, this would correspond to having multiple build targets.

1. What to Expect#


  • You will learn how to create multiple build targets

  • You will understand how Flowman builds all targets in the correct order

  • You will learn how to build only individual targets via CLI

  • You will gather experience with more transformations like joins

You can find the full source code of this lesson on GitHub


Again, we will read in the raw measurement data, which contains many weather measurements per weather stations (typically one measurement per weather station and per hour, but there might be more or less). This time we will also read in the weather stations reference data and then join both data sources. Finally, we will perform a simple aggregation on the joined data to calculate the minimum and maximum wind speed and air temperature per country and per year.

Processing Steps#

In order to demonstrate using multiple targets, we will store some intermediate results on disk. We will define the following build targets

1. Weather Measurements#

The first build target will read in the raw weather measurements from S3, extract some attributes via SQL and then store the results as Parquet files within the local file system.

2. Weather Stations#

The second build target will read the weather stations reference data as CSV files from S3 and then store the data again as Parquet files within the local file system.

3. Aggregates#

The third build target will read in the results from the first two build targets as Parquet files and then join both data sets. This step enriches each weather measurement with the reference data of the corresponding weather station. Then, we will perform an aggregation on the joined data set to calculate the minimum and maximum wind speed and air temperature per country and per year. This result will be stored as an additional Parquet file on the local file system.

2. Implementation#

The implementation will pick up some code of the previous lessons, in particular from the second lesson for reading and writing the weather stations reference data and from the forth lessons for reading and writing the measurement data.

The logical data flow will look as follows:

flowchart LR r_stations_raw[[relation\n stations_raw\n CSV\n S3]] --> m_stations_raw m_stations_raw{{mapping\n stations_raw}} --> r_stations r_measurement_raw[[relation\n measurement_raw\n raw text\n S3]] --> m_measurement_raw m_measurement_raw{{mapping\n measurement_raw}} --> m_measurement_extracted m_measurement_extracted{{mapping\n measurement_raw}} --> r_measurement r_stations[[relation\n stations\n Parquet\n local]] --> m_stations r_measurement[[relation\n measurement\n Parquet\n local]] --> m_measurement m_stations{{mapping\n stations}} --> m_facts m_measurement{{mapping\n measurement}} --> m_facts m_facts{{mapping\n facts}} --> m_aggregates{{mapping\n aggregates}} m_aggregates --> r_aggregates[[relation\n aggregates\n Parquet\n local]] style r_stations_raw fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_stations_raw fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style r_stations fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style r_measurement_raw fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_measurement_raw fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_measurement_extracted fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style r_measurement fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_measurement fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_stations fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_facts fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_aggregates fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style r_aggregates fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff

2.1 Measurements#

In the first part, we will implement the following subgraph of the whole data flow:

flowchart LR r_measurement_raw[[relation\n measurement_raw\n raw text\n S3]] --> m_measurement_raw m_measurement_raw{{mapping\n measurement_raw}} --> m_measurement_extracted m_measurement_extracted{{mapping\n measurement_raw}} --> r_measurement style r_measurement_raw fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_measurement_raw fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_measurement_extracted fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style r_measurement fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff

First, we create a relation to access the raw input data stored as text files in S3:

  # Create a relation to access the raw input data
    kind: file
    format: text
    location: "s3a://dimajix-training/data/weather/"
    # Define the pattern to be used for partitions
    pattern: "${year}"
    # Define data partitions. Each year is stored in a separate sub directory
      - name: year
        type: integer
        granularity: 1
        description: "The year when the measurement was made"
      # Specify the (single) column via an embedded schema.
      kind: inline
        - name: raw_data
          type: string
          description: "Raw measurement data"

We use the same two mappings from the previous lessons for reading and extracting the relevant measurement attributes:

  # This mapping refers to the "raw" relation and reads in data from the source in S3
    kind: relation
    relation: measurements_raw
      year: $year

  # Extract multiple columns from the raw measurements data using SQL SUBSTR functions
    kind: select
    input: measurements_raw
      usaf: "SUBSTR(raw_data,5,6)"
      wban: "SUBSTR(raw_data,11,5)"
      date: "TO_DATE(SUBSTR(raw_data,16,8), 'yyyyMMdd')"
      time: "SUBSTR(raw_data,24,4)"
      report_type: "SUBSTR(raw_data,42,5)"
      wind_direction: "CAST(SUBSTR(raw_data,61,3) AS INT)"
      wind_direction_qual: "SUBSTR(raw_data,64,1)"
      wind_observation: "SUBSTR(raw_data,65,1)"
      wind_speed: "CAST(CAST(SUBSTR(raw_data,66,4) AS FLOAT)/10 AS FLOAT)"
      wind_speed_qual: "SUBSTR(raw_data,70,1)"
      air_temperature: "CAST(CAST(SUBSTR(raw_data,88,5) AS FLOAT)/10 AS FLOAT)"
      air_temperature_qual: "SUBSTR(raw_data,93,1)"

We create a second relation which is used for the output data stored as Parquet files on the local file system:

  # Create a second relation for storing the output data  
    kind: file
    format: parquet
    location: "$basedir/measurements/"
    # Define data partitions. Each year is stored in a separate sub directory
      - name: year
        type: integer
        granularity: 1
    # Use the inferred schema of the mapping that is written into the relation
      kind: mapping
      mapping: measurements_extracted

Now we connect the output from the mapping measurements_extracted with the relation measurements:

  # Define build target for measurements
    kind: relation
    description: "Write extracted measurements per year"
    # Read records from mapping
    mapping: measurements_extracted
    # ... and write them into the relation "measurements"
    relation: measurements
    # Specify the data partition to be written
      year: $year

2.2 Weather Stations#

The weather stations reference data is processed with a similar pattern:

  1. We define a relation for reading the raw CSV data from S3

  2. We define a mapping to perform the actual read operation

  3. We define a relation for writing the reference data to the local file system as Parquet files

  4. We define a target which writes the output from the mapping into the Parquet relation.

flowchart LR r_stations_raw[[relation\n stations_raw\n CSV\n S3]] --> m_stations_raw m_stations_raw{{mapping\n stations_raw}} --> r_stations style r_stations_raw fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_stations_raw fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style r_stations fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff

The corresponding flow definitions look as follows:

  # The following relation refers to the source data
    kind: file
    format: csv
    location: "s3a://dimajix-training/data/weather/isd-history/"
      sep: ","
      encoding: "UTF-8"
      quote: "\""
      header: "true"
      dateFormat: "yyyyMMdd"
      kind: avro
      file: "${project.basedir}/schema/stations.avsc"

  # The following relation refers to the reference data stored as Parquet files
    kind: file
    description: "The 'stations' table contains meta data on all weather stations"
    format: parquet
    location: "$basedir/stations/"
      kind: avro
      file: "${project.basedir}/schema/stations.avsc"

  # This mapping refers to the "raw" relation and reads in data from the source in S3
    kind: relation
    relation: stations_raw

  # Define a build target "stations"...
    kind: relation
    mapping: stations_raw
    relation: stations

2.3 Aggregates#

In the last step, we join both data sources (measurements & reference data) and perform a simple aggregation. In order to do so, we read from the intermediate Parquet files instead from the raw data.

flowchart LR r_stations[[relation\n stations\n Parquet\n local]] --> m_stations r_measurement[[relation\n measurement\n Parquet\n local]] --> m_measurement m_stations{{mapping\n stations}} --> m_joined m_measurement{{mapping\n measurement}} --> m_joined m_joined{{mapping\n measurements_joined}} --> m_facts m_facts{{mapping\n facts}} --> m_aggregates m_aggregates{{mapping\n aggregates}} --> r_aggregates[[relation\n aggregates\n Parquet\n local]] style r_stations fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style r_measurement fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_stations fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_measurement fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_joined fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_facts fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style m_aggregates fill:#669,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff style r_aggregates fill:#339,stroke-width:3px,color:#fff

This flow is implemented by the following definitions:

  # This mapping refers to the processed data stored as Parquet on the local filesystem
    kind: relation
    relation: measurements
      year: $year

  # This mapping refers to the Parquet relation and reads in data from the local file system
    kind: relation
    relation: stations

  # The `measurements-joined` mapping will add station metadata to measurements
    # Join together measurements and stations
    kind: join
    mode: left
    # Specify list of input mappings to be joined
      - measurements
      - stations
    # Specify columns to use for joining. Both input mappings need to contain both columns, merging is performed
    # whenever the values of both columns match in both input mappings
      - usaf
      - wban

  # Replace invalid values with NULLs
    kind: extend
    input: measurements_joined
    # Replace existing columns with new values, which will contain NULL values whenever the quality flags
    # indicate so
      wind_direction: "CASE WHEN wind_direction_qual=1 THEN wind_direction END"
      wind_speed: "CASE WHEN wind_speed_qual=1 THEN wind_speed END"
      air_temperature: "CASE WHEN air_temperature_qual=1 THEN air_temperature END"

  # Create some aggregates containing min/max/avg metrics of wind speed and temperature
    kind: aggregate
    input: facts
      - country
      min_wind_speed: "MIN(wind_speed)"
      max_wind_speed: "MAX(wind_speed)"
      avg_wind_speed: "AVG(wind_speed)"
      min_temperature: "MIN(air_temperature)"
      max_temperature: "MAX(air_temperature)"
      avg_temperature: "AVG(air_temperature)"

  # Define a target for writing the mapping "aggregates" into the relation "aggregates"
    kind: relation
    description: "Write aggregated measurements per year"
    mapping: aggregates
    relation: aggregates
      year: $year

2.4 Putting all together#

Now we have defined a whole data flow including three targets. Now we simply need to create a job, which will include all these three targets:

  # Define the 'main' job, which implicitly is used whenever you build the whole project
    # Add a parameter for selecting the year to process. This will create an environment variable `$year` which
    # can be accessed from within other entities like mappings, relations, etc
      - name: year
        type: Integer
        default: 2013
    # List all targets which should be built as part of the `main` job
      - measurements
      - stations
      - aggregates

The main difference to the job definitions of the previous lessons is that the targets list contains multiple targets instead of a single one.

Note that the ordering in the list of targets does not matter, although there is a clear dependency between the target aggregates, which needs to be executed after the targets stations and measurements. But you do not need to take care of these dependencies explicitly yourself, instead Flowman will analyze all the inputs and outputs of each target and execute the targets in a correct order.

3. Execution#

With these entities in place we can now execute the project as follows:

cd /opt/flowman
flowexec -f lessons/05-multiple-targets job build main year=2014 --force

4. Next Lesson#

In the next lesson, we will start using the Flowman shell as an interactive development tool for working with Flowman projects.