Project Mapping

The project mapping performs a projection of an input mapping onto a specific set of columns. This corresponds to a trivial SQL SELECT with a series of simple column names, with optional CAST operations.


The projectmapping supports two different syntax. The first concise version only selects specific columns:

    kind: project
    input: facts
      - id
      - temperature
      - wind_speed

The second version also supports changing the column name and data type and optional description:

    kind: project
    input: facts
      - column: id
      - column: air_temperature
        name: temperature
        type: FLOAT
        description: "The air temperature"
      - column: wind_speed
        type: FLOAT


  • kind (mandatory) (type: string): project
  • broadcast (optional) (type: boolean) (default: false): Hint for broadcasting the result of this mapping for map-side joins.
  • cache (optional) (type: string) (default: NONE): Cache mode for the results of this mapping. Supported values are
    • NONE - Disables caching of teh results of this mapping
    • DISK_ONLY - Caches the results on disk
    • MEMORY_ONLY - Caches the results in memory. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.
    • MEMORY_ONLY_SER - Caches the results in memory in a serialized format. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.
    • MEMORY_AND_DISK - Caches the results first in memory and then spills to disk.
    • MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER - Caches the results first in memory in a serialized format and then spills to disk.
  • input (mandatory) (type: string): Specifies the name of the input mapping to be filtered.
  • columns (mandatory) (type: list:string): Specifies the list of columns to be present in the output. The list can either be simply a list of column names or they can be more complex column descriptors
 - name: name_of_output_column
   column: name_of_incoming_column
   type: string
   description: "This is the (optional) description of the column"

You can also mix both column types in a single project mapping.

  • filter (optional) (type: string) (default: empty): An optional SQL filter expression that is applied after projection.


  • main - the only output of the mapping


The project mapping is similar to both the cast mapping and the schema mapping. The differences are as follows:

  • The project mapping only performs simple type conversions and will only emit the columns specified in the columns list. It will drop all columns not specified in the list and cannot add new columns.
  • The schema mapping allows to specify arbitrary complex data types including nested types. It will make sure that the result precisely matches the specified schema, i.e. it will add and/or drop columns as required.
  • The cast mapping will only change the data type of the specified columns and will keep all othe columns unchanged. This means that it will not add or drop any of the incoming columns.

Supported data types

The following simple data types are supported by Apache Spark and Flowman:

  • string, text - text and strings of arbitrary length
  • binary - binary data of arbitrary length
  • tinyint, byte - 8 bit signed numbers
  • smallint, short - 16 bit signed numbers
  • int, integer - 32 bit signed numbers
  • bigint, long - 64 bit signed numbers
  • boolean - true or false
  • float - 32 bit floating point number
  • double - 64 bit floating point number
  • decimal(a,b)
  • varchar(n) - text with up to ncharacters. Note that this data type is only supported for specifying input or output data types. Internally Spark and therefore Flowman convert these columns to a string column of arbitrary length.
  • char(n) - text with exactly ncharacters. Note that this data type is only supported for specifying input or output data types. Internally Spark and therefore Flowman convert these columns to a string column of arbitrary length.
  • date - date type
  • timestamp - timestamp type (date and time)
  • duration - duration type