Stream Mapping

The stream mapping is very similar to the read mapping, except that it will create a streaming result used for creating continuous event processing applications


    kind: stream
    relation: measurements-raw
      raw_data: String
    filter: "raw_data IS NOT NULL"

    kind: kafka
      - kafka-01
      - kafka-02
    topics: measurements_raw

Since Flowman 0.18.0, you can also directly specify the relation inside the dataset definition. This saves you from having to create a separate relation definition in the relations section. This is only recommeneded, if you do not access the target relation otherwise, such that a shared definition would not provide any benefir.

    kind: stream
      kind: kafka
        - kafka-01
        - kafka-02
      topics: measurements_raw  
      raw_data: String
    filter: "raw_data IS NOT NULL"


  • kind (mandatory) (type: string): stream
  • broadcast (optional) (type: boolean) (default: false): Hint for broadcasting the result of this mapping for map-side joins.
  • cache (optional) (type: string) (default: NONE): Cache mode for the results of this mapping. Supported values are
    • NONE - Disables caching of teh results of this mapping
    • DISK_ONLY - Caches the results on disk
    • MEMORY_ONLY - Caches the results in memory. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.
    • MEMORY_ONLY_SER - Caches the results in memory in a serialized format. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.
    • MEMORY_AND_DISK - Caches the results first in memory and then spills to disk.
    • MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER - Caches the results first in memory in a serialized format and then spills to disk.
  • relation (mandatory) (type: string): Specifies the name of the relation to read from.
  • columns (optional) (type: map:data_type) *(default: empty): Specifies the list of columns and types to read from the relation. This schema will be applied to the records after they have been read and interpreted by the underlying source. This schema will also be used as a subsitute for schema inference and therefore can be very helpful when using mock mappings.
  • filter (optional) (type: string) (default: empty): An optional SQL filter expression that is applied for reading only a subset of records. The filter is applied after the schema as specified in columns is applied. This means that if you are using columns, then you can only access these columns in the filter expression.


  • main - the only output of the mapping