Copy Target

The copy target can be used to copy contents of one data set to another. A dataset can be ‘file’, ‘mapping’, ‘relation’ or other supported types.


    kind: copy
      kind: relation
      relation: weather_records
        processing_date: "${processing_date}"
      kind: file
      format: csv
      location: "/landing/weather/data"
      format: spark
      file: "/landing/weather/schema.json"


  • kind (mandatory) (type: string): copy
  • description (optional) (type: string): Optional descriptive text of the build target
  • source (mandatory) (type: dataset): Specifies the source data set to be copied from.
  • target (mandatory) (type: dataset): Specifies the target data set to be copied to.
  • schema (optional): Optionally specify a schema file to be written to. This file will be created in the build phase. The schema contains two sub elements format and file.
  • parallelism (optional) (type: integer) (default=16): This specifies the parallelism to be used when writing data. The parallelism equals the number of files being generated in HDFS output and also equals the maximum number of threads that are used in total in all Spark executors to produce the output. If parallelism is set to zero or to a negative number, Flowman will not coalesce any partitions and generate as many files as Spark partitions. The default value is controlled by the Flowman config variable
  • rebalance (optional) (type: bool) (default=false): Enables rebalancing the size of all partitions by introducing an additional internal shuffle operation. Each partition and output file will contain approximately the same number of records. The default value is controlled by the Flowman config variable

Supported Execution Phases

  • BUILD - The build phase will perform the copy operation
  • VERIFY - The verify phase will ensure that the target exists
  • TRUNCATE - The truncate phase will remove the target
  • DESTROY - The destroy phase will remove the target

Read more about execution phases.