Measure Target

The measure target will perform some measurements which then are provided as execution metrics. These measurements are used to assess data quality. The measures to be taken are specified as measure instances.

Since a measure target needs to be explicitly executed, it will increase your overall job execution time. Since version 0.30.0, Flowman offers an alternative observe mapping, which offers similar (but more limited) capabilities and is much cheaper from an execution time point of view.


    kind: measure
        kind: sql
        query: "
            COUNT(*) AS record_count,
            SUM(column IS NULL)  AS column_sum
          FROM some_mapping"

This example will provide two metrics, record_count and column_sum, which then can be sent to a metric sink configured in the namespace.

Provided Metrics

All metrics defined as named columns are exported with the following labels: - name - The name of the measure (i.e. record_stats above) - category - Always set to measure - kind - Always set to sql - namespace - Name of the namespace (typically default) - project - Name of the project - version - Version of the project

Supported Execution Phases

  • VERIFY - The evaluation of all measures will only be performed in the VERIFY phase

Read more about execution phases.

Dirty Condition

A measure target is always dirty for the VERIFY execution phase.