SFTP Upload Target

The SFTP upload target is used for uploading data which resides either on the local machine or in a Hadoop compatible filesystem (HDFS, S3, …) to an external SFTP server.


The sftpUpload target is provided by the SFTP Plugin, which needs to be enabled in your namespace.yml file. See namespace documentation for more information for configuring plugins.


    kind: ssh
    host: "sftp.server.dimajix.net"
    port: "22"
    username: "testuser"
    password: "12345678"
    keyFile: "/home/user/private_key"

      kind: sftpUpload
      description: "Upload some data to a SFTP server"
      connection: my-sftp-connection
      source: "$hdfs_export_basedir/export_table/${processing_date}"
      target: "${sftp_target}/inbox/_${processing_date}.txt"
      merge: true
      overwrite: true

You can also directly embed the connection into the target as follows:

      kind: sftpUpload
      description: "Upload some data to a SFTP server"
        kind: ssh
        host: "sftp.server.dimajix.net"
        port: "22"
        username: "testuser"
        password: "12345678"
        keyFile: "/home/user/private_key"
      source: "$hdfs_export_basedir/export_table/${processing_date}"
      target: "${sftp_target}/inbox/_${processing_date}.txt"
      merge: true
      overwrite: true


  • kind (mandatory) (type: string): sftpUpload
  • description (optional) (type: string): A textual description of the build target.
  • source (mandatory) (type: string): Specifies the source location in the Hadoop compatible filesystem. This may be either a single file or a whole directory.
  • target (mandatory) (type: string): Specifies the target location on the SFTP server. This may be either a single file or a whole directory.
  • connection (mandatory) (type: string): Specifies the name of the connection to use when connecting to the SFTP server.
  • merge (optional) (type: boolean) (default: false): Flowman can merge multiple files in the source directory into a single output file. This is useful when working with Hadoop or Spark outputs which often consist of multiple files. Per default this is set to false, meaning that multiple files will be transferred individually.
  • delimiter (optional) (type: string) (default: empty): Specifies an optional delimiter, which should be used between files when they are concatenated when merge is set to true. Has no effect otherwise.
  • overwrite (optional) (type: boolean) (default: true): Set to true in order to overwrite existing files on the SFTP server. Otherwise an existing file will result in an error.


Supported Execution Phases

  • BUILD - This will upload the specified file via SFTP

Read more about execution phases.