Configuring the Documentation#

Flowman has a sound default for generating documentation for relations, mappings and targets. But you might want to explicitly influence the way for what and how documentation is generated. This can be easily done by supplying a documentation.yml file at the root level of your project (so it would be a sibling of the project.yml file).


  # Collect documentation of relations
  - kind: relations
  # Collect documentation of mappings
  - kind: mappings
  # Collect documentation of build targets
  - kind: targets
  # Collect column level lineage
  - kind: lineage
  # Execute all checks
  - kind: checks

  # Create an output file in the project directory
  - kind: file
    location: ${project.basedir}/doc
    template: html+css
    # This will exclude all mappings
    excludeMappings: ".*"
      # You can either specify a name or regular expression (without the project)
      - "stations_raw"
      # Or can also explicitly specify a name with the project. Note that the entries actually are regular expressions
      - ".*/measurements_raw"


Flowman uses so-called collectors which create an internal model of the documentation from the core entities like relations, mappings and build targets. The default configuration uses the four collectors relations, mappings, targets and checks, with each of them being responsible for one entity type and the last one will execute all data quality checks. If you really do not require documentation for one of these targets, you may want to simply remove the corresponding collector from that list.

File Generator Fields#

The generator is used for generating the documentation. You can configure multiple generators for creating multiple differently configured documentations.

  • kind (mandatory) (type: string): file

  • template (optional) (type: string) (default: html): Specifies the template to use. Currently, Flowman provides three predefined templates

    • text - Single file plain text documentation

    • html - Single file HTML page with inline CSS

    • html+css - Single file HTML page with additional CSS file

  • location (mandatory) (type: string): Specifies the output location

  • includeMappings (optional) (type: list:regex) (default: “.”)*: List of regular expressions which mappings to include. Per default all mappings will be included in the output. The list of filters will be applied before the excludeMappings filter list.

  • excludeMappings (optional) (type: list:regex) List of regular expressions which mappings to exclude. Per default no mapping will be excluded in the output. The list of filters will be applied after the includeMappings filter list.

  • includeTargets (optional) (type: list:regex) (default: “.”)*: List of regular expressions which targets to include. Per default all targets will be included in the output. The list of filters will be applied before the excludeTargets filter list.

  • excludeTargets (optional) (type: list:regex) List of regular expressions which targets to exclude. Per default no target will be excluded in the output. The list of filters will be applied after the includeTargets filter list.

  • includeRelations (optional) (type: list:regex) (default: “.”)*: List of regular expressions which relations to include. Per default all relations will be included in the output. The list of filters will be applied before the excludeRelations filter list.

  • excludeRelations (optional) (type: list:regex) List of regular expressions which relations to exclude. Per default no relation will be excluded in the output. The list of filters will be applied after the includeRelations filter list.