Assemble Mapping#

The “assemble” mapping is used to reassemble data with a possibly nested schema. For example, it is possible to extract some nested sub-entities, remove specific columns or subtrees or move subtrees to the top level.


    kind: assemble
    input: crm_events
      - kind: rename
          data_operation: dataOperation
      - kind: columns
        path: data
          - faConfig.feeList
          - ebillingConfig
          - ebillingConfig.transmissionChannels
          - feeItems
          - negotiatedPrices
    kind: assemble
    input: card_events_latest
      - # Only keep some important fields from parent entity
        kind: rename
          data_operation: dataOperation
      - # Now extract and explode nested child entities
        kind: explode
        name: channel
        path: data.transmissionChannels

    kind: assemble
    input: transmission_channel_explode
      - # Take everything except for channel
        kind: append
        drop: channel
      - # Now unpack all fields channel except maybe some
        kind: append
        path: channel
        drop: recipients


  • kind (mandatory) (string): assemble

  • broadcast (optional) (type: boolean) (default: false): Hint for broadcasting the result of this mapping for map-side joins.

  • cache (optional) (type: string) (default: NONE): Cache mode for the results of this mapping. Supported values are

    • NONE - Disables caching of teh results of this mapping

    • DISK_ONLY - Caches the results on disk

    • MEMORY_ONLY - Caches the results in memory. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.

    • MEMORY_ONLY_SER - Caches the results in memory in a serialized format. If not enough memory is available, records will be uncached.

    • MEMORY_AND_DISK - Caches the results first in memory and then spills to disk.

    • MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER - Caches the results first in memory in a serialized format and then spills to disk.

  • input (mandatory) (string): The name of the input mapping

  • filter (optional) (type: string) (default: empty): An optional SQL filter expression that is applied after assembling.

  • columns (mandatory) (objects): This part contains the assembling specification. It consists of an array with the following possible sub elements:

    • append - Appends one or more columns from the input to the result

      • kind (mandatory) (string): append

      • path (optional) (string): Specify a common subpath in the incoming data, from where columns should be extracted

      • keep (optional) (list: string): Specifies a list of columns to be kept. The columns are relative to the optional path. Only the columns mentioned in the keep element will be appended, all other columns will be removed.

      • drop (optional) (list: string): Specified a list of columns to be removed. The columns are relative to the optional path. All columns not mentioned in the list of drop columns will be appended.

    • flatten - Flattens and appends one or more columns from the input to the result. Flattening means that nested columns will be resolved to non-nested columns.

      • kind (mandatory) (string): flatten

      • path (optional) (string): Specify a common subpath in the incoming data, from where columns should be extracted

      • prefix (optioal) (string): Optional prefix to prepend to every resulting column

      • naming (optioal) (string) (default: snakeCase): Naming convention to use, either snakeCase or camelCase.

      • keep (optional) (list: string): Specifies a list of columns to be kept. The columns are relative to the optional path. Only the columns mentioned in the keep element will be appended, all other columns will be removed.

      • drop (optional) (list: string): Specified a list of columns to be removed. The columns are relative to the optional path. All columns not mentioned in the list of drop columns will be appended.

    • explode - Explodes a single array column into multiple output records. Note that you can only have a single explode entry per assemble mapping. If more explodes are required, you need to create a chain of several assemble mappings with corresponding explode entries.

      • kind (mandatory) (string): explode

      • name (mandatory) (string): Specifies the name of the exploded column.

      • path (optional) (string): Specifies the path to be exploded. The path has to be an array (or a child of an array)

    • rename - Renames some input columns. Note that it is not an error to try to rename non-existing columns. In this case, no column will be appended.

      • kind (mandatory) (string): rename

      • path (optional) (string): Specify a common subpath in the incoming data, from where columns should be extracted and renamed

      • columns (optional) (map: string): A map containing rename information. The key is the new column name and the value the incoming column name.

    • lift - Extracts specific columns of a nested path and appends these as simple columns. Note that it is not an error to specify non-existing columns. Such column will simply be ignored.

      • kind (mandatory) (string): lift

      • path (mandatory) (string): Specify the path in the incoming data which should be lifted to the top level

      • columns (mandatory) (list: string): Specify all columns relative to the path of columns which should be lifted to the top level

    • nest - Collects some columns and nests these into a new sub structure. Note that it is not an error to specify non-existing columns. Such column will simply be ignored.

      • kind (mandatory) (string): nest

      • name (mandatory) (string): Specify the name of the new nested structure

      • path (optional) (string): Specify the path in the incoming data which should be lifted to the top level

      • keep (optional) (list: string): Specifies a list of columns to be kept. The columns are relative to the optional path. Only the columns mentioned in the keep element will be appended, all other columns will be removed.

      • drop (optional) (list: string): Specified a list of columns to be removed. The columns are relative to the optional path. All columns not mentioned in the list of drop columns will be appended.

    • struct - Collects some columns and nests these into a new sub structure

      • kind (mandatory) (string): struct

      • name (mandatory) (string): Specify the name of the new nested structure

      • columns (mandatory) (map: string): Specify all columns in the incoming data which should be put together as a new structure


  • main - the only output of the aggregate mapping


The assemble mapping will recreate a new structure from the incoming mapping. This is useful for working with nested data, where only some subtrees are required, or the structure should be changed otherwise. Note that currently modifying elements in arrays is not supported, you need to explode these arrays into multiple records first.